skos2jskos - convert SKOS/RDF to JSKOS


skos2jskos OPTIONS [ FILES | URL ]


This script can be used to convert SKOS data from a local RDF file, URL, or SPARQL-endpoint (option --sparql) to JSKOS format (SKOS in JSON-LD). On success the following files are created in normalized JSON:


JSKOS description of the concept scheme


JKSOS description of all concepts

Location and name of the files can be controlled with options --directory and --name.

All concepts MUST be linked from the concept scheme via skos:inScheme.

Conversion is not optimized for speed so be patient!


--directory | -d

Output directory to write JSKOS files to. Current directory by default.

--name | -n

Filename prefix to append to exported files. E.g. --name foo will create foo-scheme.json and foo-concepts.json.

--language | -l

Default language to use for literal values without language (en by default).

--quiet | -q

Don't show status messages

--verbose | -v

Show detailed processing messages


Concept scheme URI


SPARQL endpoint

--help | -h | -?

Show usage description


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