$cpp_source_group->{CPP} .= $return_type . q{ } . $name . '(';

if ( exists $arguments_optional->{children}->[0] ) {
    $cpp_source_subgroup = $arguments_optional->{children}->[0]->ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES($modes);

# RPerl::diag( 'in Subroutine->ast_to_cpp__generate_shims__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), have $cpp_source_subgroup = ' . "\n" . RPerl::Parser::rperl_ast__dump($cpp_source_subgroup) . "\n" ); $cpp_source_group->{CPP} .= $cpp_source_subgroup->{CPP}; }

$cpp_source_group->{CPP} .= ') ' . ' { return ' . $namespace_underscores . $name . '(';

# remove type declarations from arguments when passing from shim to real subroutine
if (defined $cpp_source_subgroup) {
   # split on commas, split again on space, discard types, join names on space, join again on commas, append 
   my string_arrayref $split_arguments    = [ split ', ', $cpp_source_subgroup->{CPP} ];
   my string_arrayref $typeless_arguments = [];
   foreach my string $argument (@{$split_arguments}) {
       my string_arrayref $split_argument = [ split /[ ]/xms, $argument ];
       push @{$typeless_arguments}, $split_argument->[1];
   $cpp_source_group->{CPP} .= ( join ', ', @{$typeless_arguments} );

$cpp_source_group->{CPP} .= '); }';

1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 314:

Unknown directive: =DEPRECATED