throws_ok(                                                    # TGIV501
    sub { gmp_integer_to_string(undef) },
    q{TGIV501 gmp_integer_to_string(undef) throws correct exception}
lives_and(                                                    # TGIV502
    sub {
        is( gmp_integer_to_string(0), '0', q{TGIV502 gmp_integer_to_string(0) returns correct value} );
    q{TGIV502 gmp_integer_to_string(0) lives}
lives_and(                                                    # TGIV503
    sub {
        is( gmp_integer_to_string(-0), '0', q{TGIV503 gmp_integer_to_string(-0) returns correct value} );
    q{TGIV503 gmp_integer_to_string(-0) lives}
lives_and(                                                    # TGIV504
    sub {
        is( gmp_integer_to_string(3), '3', q{TGIV504 gmp_integer_to_string(3) returns correct value} );
    q{TGIV504 gmp_integer_to_string(3) lives}
lives_and(                                                    # TGIV505
    sub {
        is( gmp_integer_to_string(-17), '-17', q{TGIV505 gmp_integer_to_string(-17) returns correct value} );
    q{TGIV505 gmp_integer_to_string(-17) lives}
throws_ok(                                                    # TGIV506
    sub { gmp_integer_to_string(-17.3) },
    q{TGIV506 gmp_integer_to_string(-17.3) throws correct exception}
throws_ok(                                                    # TGIV507
    sub { gmp_integer_to_string('-17.3') },
    q{TGIV507 gmp_integer_to_string('-17.3') throws correct exception}
throws_ok(                                                    # TGIV508
    sub { gmp_integer_to_string( [3] ) },
    q{TGIV508 gmp_integer_to_string([3]) throws correct exception}
throws_ok(                                                    # TGIV509
    sub { gmp_integer_to_string( { a_key => 3 } ) },
    q{TGIV509 gmp_integer_to_string({a_key => 3}) throws correct exception}
lives_and(                                                    # TGIV510
    sub {
        is( gmp_integer_to_string(34_567_890), '34_567_890', q{TGIV510 gmp_integer_to_string(34_567_890) returns correct value} );
    q{TGIV510 gmp_integer_to_string(34_567_890) lives}
lives_and(                                                    # TGIV511
    sub {
        is( gmp_integer_to_string(-34_567_890), '-34_567_890', q{TGIV511 gmp_integer_to_string(-34_567_890) returns correct value} );
    q{TGIV511 gmp_integer_to_string(-34_567_890) lives}
lives_and(                                                    # TGIV512
    sub {
        is( gmp_integer_to_string(234_567_890), '234_567_890', q{TGIV512 gmp_integer_to_string(234_567_890) returns correct value} );
    q{TGIV512 gmp_integer_to_string(234_567_890) lives}
lives_and(                                                    # TGIV513
    sub {
        is( gmp_integer_to_string(-234_567_890), '-234_567_890', q{TGIV513 gmp_integer_to_string(-234_567_890) returns correct value} );
    q{TGIV513 gmp_integer_to_string(-234_567_890) lives}
lives_and(                                                    # TGIV514
    sub {
        is( gmp_integer_to_string(1_234_567_890), '1_234_567_890', q{TGIV514 gmp_integer_to_string(1_234_567_890) returns correct value} );
    q{TGIV514 gmp_integer_to_string(1_234_567_890) lives}
lives_and(                                                    # TGIV515
    sub {
        is( gmp_integer_to_string(-1_234_567_890), '-1_234_567_890', q{TGIV515 gmp_integer_to_string(-1_234_567_890) returns correct value} );
    q{TGIV515 gmp_integer_to_string(-1_234_567_890) lives}
throws_ok(                                                    # TGIV516
    sub {
    q{TGIV516 gmp_integer_to_string(-1_234_567_890_000_000_000_000_000_000_000_000) throws correct exception}

$number_of_tests_run += 17;

3 POD Errors

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 354:

Unknown directive: =DISABLE

Around line 401:

Unknown directive: =DISABLE

Around line 537:

Unknown directive: =DISABLE