Dave Cross: Still Munging Data With Perl: Online event - Mar 17 Learn more

use strict;
our $VERSION = '1.000143';
use Test2::Harness::Util qw/read_file mod2file looks_like_uuid/;
use Test2::Harness::Util::JSON qw/decode_json/;
sub can_log {
my ($option, $options) = @_;
return 1 if $options->included->{'App::Yath::Options::Logging'};
return 0;
sub can_finder {
my ($option, $options) = @_;
return 1 if $options->included->{'App::Yath::Options::Finder'};
return 0;
option_group {prefix => 'yathui', category => "YathUI Options"} => sub {
option url => (
type => 's',
alt => ['uri'],
description => "Yath-UI url",
long_examples => [" http://my-yath-ui.com/..."],
option api_key => (
type => 's',
description => "Yath-UI API key. This is not necessary if your Yath-UI instance is set to single-user"
option project => (
type => 's',
description => "The Yath-UI project for your test results",
option mode => (
type => 's',
default => 'qvfd',
description => "Set the upload mode (default 'qvfd')",
long_examples => [
' summary',
' qvf',
' qvfd',
' complete',
option retry => (
type => 'c',
description => "How many times to try an operation before giving up",
default => 0,
option grace => (
description => "If yath cannot connect to yath-ui it normally throws an error, use this to make it fail gracefully. You get a warning, but things keep going.",
default => 0,
option durations => (
description => "Poll duration data from Yath-UI to help order tests efficiently",
default => 0,
applicable => \&can_finder,
option coverage => (
description => "Poll coverage data from Yath-UI to determine what tests should be run for changed files",
default => 0,
applicable => \&can_finder,
# option median_durations => (
# type => 'b',
# description => "Get median duration data",
# default => 0,
# );
option medium_duration => (
type => 's',
description => "Minimum duration length (seconds) before a test goes from SHORT to MEDIUM",
long_examples => [' 5'],
default => 5,
option long_duration => (
type => 's',
description => "Minimum duration length (seconds) before a test goes from MEDIUM to LONG",
long_examples => [' 10'],
default => 10,
option upload => (
description => "Upload the log to Yath-UI",
default => 0,
applicable => \&can_log,
post -1 => sub {
my %params = @_;
my $settings = $params{settings};
my $options = $params{options};
my $has_finder = $options->included->{'App::Yath::Options::Finder'};
my $has_logger = $options->included->{'App::Yath::Options::Logging'};
my $has_durations = $has_finder && $settings->yathui->durations;
my $has_upload = $has_logger && $settings->yathui->upload;
my $has_coverage = $has_finder && $settings->yathui->coverage;
return unless $has_durations || $has_upload || $has_coverage;
my $url = $settings->yathui->url or die "'--yathui-url URL' is required to use durations, coverage, or upload a log";
my $project = $settings->yathui->project or die "'--yathui-project NAME' is required to use durations, coverage, or upload a log";
my $grace = $settings->yathui->grace;
$url =~ s{/+$}{}g;
if ($has_upload) {
$settings->logging->field(log => 1);
$settings->logging->field(bzip2 => 1);
if ($has_coverage) {
my $curl = join '/' => ($url, 'coverage', $project);
$settings->cover->field(($grace ? 'maybe_from' : 'from'), $curl);
if ($has_durations) {
my $med = $settings->yathui->medium_duration;
my $long = $settings->yathui->long_duration;
my $durl = join '/' => ($url, 'durations', $project, $med, $long);
$settings->finder->field(($grace ? 'maybe_durations' : 'durations'), $durl);
sub grab_rerun {
my $this = shift;
my ($rerun, %params) = @_;
return (0) if $rerun =~ m/\.jsonl(\.gz|\.bz2)?/;
my $settings = $params{settings};
my $only_failed = $params{only_failed};
my $path;
if ($rerun eq '1') {
my $project = $settings->yathui->project or return (0);
my $user = $settings->yathui->user // $ENV{USER};
$path = "$project/$user";
print "Re-run requested with no paremeters, ${ \__PACKAGE__ } querying YathUI (web request) for last run matching $path...\n";
# API Qwerk :-/
$path .= '/0';
elsif (looks_like_uuid($rerun)) {
$path = "$rerun/json";
print "Re-run requested with UUID, ${ \__PACKAGE__ } querying YathUI (web request) for matching run, or latest run from project or user matching the UUID\n";
else {
return (0);
$path = $only_failed ? "failed/$path" : "files/$path";
my ($ok, $res, $data) = $this->_request($settings, $path, {json => 1});
if (!$ok) {
print "Error getting a re-run data from yathui: $data...\n";
return (1);
my %files;
for my $key (qw/failures passes/) {
my $set = $data->{$key} or next;
for my $item (@$set) {
my @files = sort keys %files;
return (1) unless @files;
return (1, @files);
sub _request {
my $this = shift;
my ($settings, $path, $payload) = @_;
my $url = $settings->yathui->url;
$url =~ s{/+$}{}g;
$url = join "/" => ($url, $path);
my %fields;
for my $field (qw/project api_key mode/) {
my $val = $settings->yathui->field($field) or next;
$fields{$field} = $val;
require HTTP::Tiny;
eval { require HTTP::Tiny::Multipart; 1 } or die "To use --yathui-* you must install HTTP::Tiny::Multipart.\n";
my $res;
for (0 .. $settings->yathui->retry) {
my $http = HTTP::Tiny->new;
$res = $http->post_multipart(
$url => {
headers => {'Content-Type' => 'application/json'},
next unless $res;
last if $res->{status} eq '200';
my ($ok, $msg);
if ($res && $res->{status} eq '200') {
my $data;
$ok = eval { $data = decode_json($res->{content}); 1 };
if ($ok) {
return (1, $res, $data);
else {
$msg = $@;
else {
if ($res) {
$msg = "Server responded with " . $res->{status} . ":\n" . ($res->{content} // 'NO CONTENT');
else {
$msg = "Failed to upload yathui log, no response object";
return (0, $res, $msg);
sub finish {
my $this = shift;
my %params = @_;
my $settings = $params{settings};
return unless $settings->yathui->upload;
my $log_file = $settings->logging->log_file;
my ($filename) = reverse File::Spec->splitpath($log_file);
my ($ok, $res, $data) = $this->_request(
'upload', {
log_file => {
filename => $filename,
content => read_file($log_file, no_decompress => 1),
content_type => 'application/x-bzip2',
action => 'Upload Log',
json => 1,
die "Error connecting to YathUI: $data\n"
unless $ok;
my $msg;
if ($data->{errors} && @{$data->{errors}}) {
$ok = 0;
$msg = join "\n" => (@{$data->{errors}});
elsif ($data->{messages}) {
$ok = 1;
my $url = $settings->yathui->url;
$url =~ s{/+$}{}g;
$msg = join "\n" => (
$data->{run_id} ? ("YathUI run url: " . join '/' => ($url, 'run', $data->{run_id})) : (),
else {
$ok = 0;
$msg = "No messages recieved";
$msg = "YathUI Upload: $msg";
if ($ok) {
print "\n$msg\n";
else {
if ($settings->yathui->grace) {
warn $msg;
else {
die $msg;
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
App::Yath::Plugin::YathUI - Plugin to interact with a YathUI server
If you have a Yath-UI L<Test2::Harness::UI> server, you can use this module to
have yath automatically upload logs or retrieve durations data
=head3 YathUI Options
=over 4
=item --yathui-api-key ARG
=item --yathui-api-key=ARG
=item --no-yathui-api-key
Yath-UI API key. This is not necessary if your Yath-UI instance is set to single-user
=item --yathui-coverage
=item --no-yathui-coverage
Poll coverage data from Yath-UI to determine what tests should be run for changed files
=item --yathui-durations
=item --no-yathui-durations
Poll duration data from Yath-UI to help order tests efficiently
=item --yathui-grace
=item --no-yathui-grace
If yath cannot connect to yath-ui it normally throws an error, use this to make it fail gracefully. You get a warning, but things keep going.
=item --yathui-long-duration 10
=item --no-yathui-long-duration
Minimum duration length (seconds) before a test goes from MEDIUM to LONG
=item --yathui-medium-duration 5
=item --no-yathui-medium-duration
Minimum duration length (seconds) before a test goes from SHORT to MEDIUM
=item --yathui-mode summary
=item --yathui-mode qvf
=item --yathui-mode qvfd
=item --yathui-mode complete
=item --no-yathui-mode
Set the upload mode (default 'qvfd')
=item --yathui-project ARG
=item --yathui-project=ARG
=item --no-yathui-project
The Yath-UI project for your test results
=item --yathui-retry
=item --no-yathui-retry
How many times to try an operation before giving up
Can be specified multiple times
=item --yathui-upload
=item --no-yathui-upload
Upload the log to Yath-UI
=item --yathui-url http://my-yath-ui.com/...
=item --no-yathui-url
Yath-UI url
=head1 SOURCE
The source code repository for Test2-Harness can be found at
=over 4
=item Chad Granum E<lt>exodist@cpan.orgE<gt>
=head1 AUTHORS
=over 4
=item Chad Granum E<lt>exodist@cpan.orgE<gt>
Copyright 2020 Chad Granum E<lt>exodist7@gmail.comE<gt>.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.