NAME - Process old-style and new-style Changelog.ini files

SYNOPSIS [options]

-inFileName anInputFileName
-outFileName anOutputFileName
-pathForHTML aPathForHTML
-release aVersionNumber

All switches can be reduced to a single letter.

Exit value: 0.

Typical switch combinations:

No switches

Produce a text report on all versions.


Convert CHANGES to Changelog.ini.

-r 1.23

Produce a text report on a specific version.

Since -c is not used, -i defaults to Changelog.ini.


Produce a HTML report on all versions.

The report will just be a HTML table, with CSS for Deploy.Action and Deploy.Reason.

The table can be embedded in your own web page.

-r 1.23 -t

Produce a HTML report on a specific version.

The report will just be a HTML table, with CSS for Deploy.Action and Deploy.Reason.

The table can be embedded in your own web page.


Produce a HTML report on all versions.

The report will be a HTML page, with CSS for Deploy.Action and Deploy.Reason.

-r 1.23 -w

Produce a HTML report on a specific version.

The report will be a HTML page, with CSS for Deploy.Action and Deploy.Reason.



This specifies that the program is to read an old-style CHANGES file, and is to write a new-style Changelog.ini file.

When -convert is used, the default -inFileName is CHANGES, and the default -outFileName is Changelog.ini.


Print help and exit.

-inFileName anInputFileName

The name of a file to be read.

When the -convert switch is used, -inFileName defaults to CHANGES, and -outFileName defaults to Changelog.ini.

In the absence of -convert, -inFileName defaults to Changelog.ini, and -outFileName is not used.

-outFileName anOutputFileName

The name of a file to be written.

-pathForHTML aPathForHTML

The path to the HTML::Template-style templates used by the -table and -webPage switches.

Defaults to /var/www/assets/templates/module/metadata/changes.

-release aVersionNumber

Report on a specific release/version.

If this switch is not used, all versions are reported on.


Output the report as a HTML table.

HTML is escaped using HTML::Entities::Interpolate.

The table template is called ini.table.tmpl.


The URL to insert into the web page, if using the -webPage switch, which points to the CSS for the page.

Defaults to /assets/css/module/metadata/changes/ini.css.


Print verbose messages.


Output the report as a HTML page.

The page template is called

This switch automatically activates the -table switch.

DESCRIPTION processes old-style and new-style Changelog.ini files.